Thursday, January 27, 2011

My Fat Dog

Good girl, Morgan.  Good girl.
Miss Morgan has always been a petite thing of a lab.  At 65 lbs. she was lean and healthy.  Well, she is still healthy, according to the vet who gave Morgan first 'senior' visit.  Teeth couldn't be cleaner, eyes and hips in good shape, blood work (all $300 worth)...perfect.  Then Morgan got on the scale.  Much like her human mom, she hesitated, sighed and slowly stepped on the paw at a time.  The numbers went up.  And up.  And up.  They crept up to 65 and kept going. 70...75...78 pounds. Morgan turned her head and looked up at me with eyes that could turn the devil into a baby angel.  I looked back at her...knowing her pain of getting older...and a little more fluffy.  I turned 30.  She turned 7.  I don't think either of us feel older, but somehow our love of eating good things is taking more effort to conceal.  And if no effort is made there is absolutely no concealing.  Crap.
She gained over 10 pounds.  Not surprising.  This dog likes  sneaking a bite of her siblings food like a homeless man likes a McDonald's dumpster.  At one point we estimate that she was probably downing almost 4 cups of food at breakfast.  She is now getting a little less food in her bowl and then quarantined from the others while they graze.  
I told her that if she had to lose the weight then I would, too.  We are in this together.  Two best friends...having each others backs as we grow up and older together... and navigating all that goes along with that.  
As a reminder of our goals I put a picture of a Victoria's Secret model on the fridge...and got an obvious smile on Steve's face...and Morgan got a picture of a sexy show-dog of an English Lab above her bowl...and a big smile on Moose's face.
Neither of us have a lot to lose, but it's nice to know we can face it together...just like everything else we do.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Clean Well

As soon as I get all geared up with lots to blog about...she got sick, I got sick, he got sick...we all got sick!

Wondering who was the culprit and how the germs spread will drive me I have decided that it does not matter.  We are all sick and there is nothing we can do now but wait it out.  Sometimes we cannot predict or prevent these things, try as we might.  Apparently there was a stomach bug going around at Turtle's school.  Bonding over the porcelain throne is a great experience, isn't it?!

I always make the kids use sanitizer before eating since it's 99% guaranteed that little hands have something gross.  I actually switched from the alcohol based dissolving gel stuff to a kid-friendly, all-natural hand sanitizer made by Clean Well.  Before I switched over I would have to take Boo's hands and rub in the sanitizer quickly before she stuck that glob of alcohol in her mouth.  I was at the grocery store and walked past a display of this 'Clean Well' stuff...and took it for a test drive.  It is made of essential plant oils that are proven to kill 99.9% of germs...just like the good 'ol alcohol stuff...and it's safe for kids.  The essential oil is, of course, a sustainable solution and it is not tested on animals...what more could we want?!  I then discovered they had a travel size spray and wipes for the grocery cart and things in public places you don't want to touch without cleaning.  So, although I do not want Boo to drink the stuff, I don't panic if it's not completely rubbed in.  One less thing to worry about...isn't that what life is all about?!  Best's at the grocery store...not the expensive, all organic grocery store...the regular grocery store that sells Cheerios and Goldfish.  I am all about it;

Now I'm on the hunt for the best, natural household cleaning solution.  My biggest concern is the carpet cleaner.  With 12 paws running around my house I know that the chemicals I use in the steam cleaner cannot be good.  

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Ready, Set, Go

I didn't have a New Year's resolution.  If I did it would have been to actually get out my laptop and write all the crazy things that I want to share.  By the time I get home, kiss everyone hello, make dinner, clean up and breath, I make up some excuse to not get back up and write.  I think I will be stealing the iPad from Steve and taking it to least to draft.  No more excuses.

The holidays went off without a hitch and we made it home from the northeast after being snowed in for an extra two days at my brothers house with his family, taking a trip to Vermont with friends and spending New Year's in Connecticut playing Catch Phrase (which, if you have not played this handheld electronic must...with a drink in your hand...hilarious!).  

Getting back into a routine, as much as it was needed, was hard.  It was definitely hard for the kids I watch, too.  After almost two weeks off we started Monday, January 3, 2011 with 8 am carpool; beginning with drop-offs at two schools and then back around town to do grocery shopping and run a few errands, including getting mitten clips to avoid those losing those little hand warmers...and then off to the other side of town for Music Together class.  Our favorite.

'Music Together' is our weekly fun and dance class with a dozen other ladies with children in tow.  We have an amazing teacher that can somehow make moms/nannys and kids get up and smile AND be energetic on a Monday morning...thank goodness.  This 45-minute class which is a mixed aged for 0-5 years, is all about early childhood music education.  Little Boo and I love it and listen to the CD that comes with enrollment every single day.  It has really helped her as she explores the world of talking...and singing.  The most amazing thing is that classes are held all over the world and all their teachers and programs are phenomenal.  Their web-site is . Definitely check it out if you have time with a little one!  It is B and Boo approved!  Although I am sure the fees vary, we only paid $38 for 12 classes at the local rec center, two CDs (one for the car and for thoughtful!), a song book and one excited 2-year old.

If only they could teach the secrets of disarming 2-year-old defiance and temper tantrums...the first adolescence...and getting a sassy 7-year-old to sit still for 2 minutes at one time.